Welcome bSmart Sales Agents!
This is your website for all Sales and Training documents and information currently available for selling the bSmart Rewards program, its products and services as well as Credit Card Processing through Sunrise Business Services, Inc.
Please become familiar will all of the documents and information on this site as it will aide you strongly in prospecting and gaining a strong client base. One of the greatest features of the bSmart Rewards program is its flexibility or “Freedom” to offer the program to a business in its various individual parts, in groups or as a whole program. All aspects of bSmart Rewards work independent of the other and yet can be fully integrated to make one powerful offering to a business. We can sell, for example, the Loyalty Program as a standalone product and make a nice residual income off of it and yet use it as a door opener to the greater revenue areas such as Merchant Services and the full bSmart Marketing program or aspects of it.
Basically you can understand who the prospect business is, their immediate needs and then make your offering accordingly. Perhaps they are currently happy with their credit card processor; however, they really like our On-Line Coupon program MybSmartCoupons.com. You then sell them MybSmartCoupons.com for a monthly fee and when they later realize the power of couponing along with the other marketing products we offer an up-sell to Merchant Services, the Loyalty Program, a Website and so-on becomes almost easy.
Use the resources from this website to help you build a large and strong portfolio of clients but please do not share the site with any non-bSmart agents. That is not to say that you shouldn’t off copies of the documents to prospects, on the contrary that is what they are for – sell aids and infromation documents.
Please let us know what you think of the website and what changes and additions you would like to see to better assist and support all of your efforts to sell bSmart Rewards. We are here to provide you with all of the tools available so you can be as successful as possible. So, please provide critique, comments and suggests as often as they come to you – the better this website is the faster you will grow your portfolio.
Thanks and here’s to Great Success!
bSmart Rewards.